In this episode of the Colorado Wedding Podcast, hosts Brian and Josh dive into the world of wedding videography, offering valuable insights to ensure your wedding video aligns perfectly with your vision. As seasoned videographers, Brian and Josh share invaluable advice on choosing the right style for your wedding video, from romantic ballads to hip indie tunes. They explore various video formats, from a minute-long Instagram trailer to a long-form full montage that captures every special moment of your day.

Tune in to discover the meaning of music in wedding videos, as Brian and Josh discuss the importance of selecting songs that resonate with you and your partner. From romantic and soulful tunes to energetic beats, they discuss how music can elevate the emotion and mood of your video.

Join them in this gripping episode to learn practical advice on communicating your style preferences to your videographer and creating a wedding video that perfectly encapsulates your love story. Whether you're a fan of emotional montages or upbeat highlights, Brian and Josh have you covered with their vast experience and passion for capturing love in motion.


Brian: So what's worked great for us in making sure the bride gets the type of video that she wants, you know, in addition to providing us to style and even her music preferences is before her wedding day, maybe she's got some examples of shots that she wants, like she's always wanted this shot of maybe her husband dipping her in a field.

Josh: And the lighting is just amazing.

Brian: Yeah. Welcome to the Colorado Wedding podcast. The ultimate place to plan your Colorado wedding. From luxury weddings to intimate moments, we'll guide you through planning your wedding in the beautiful state of Colorado where your host, Josh and Bryan. And we're here to give you insider tips and advice from all kinds of Colorado wedding experts.

Josh: Join us and discover the best ways to reduce wedding stress and design your unique wedding day. Hey, guys. Welcome back to the Colorado Wedding podcast. This is Bryan and this is Josh. And we're back with another episode with your two favorite hosts. We're adjusting our microphones on. So we're back with your two favorite hosts. And today we're going to cover something that is super close to our hearts, right?

Brian: Josh?

Josh: Yeah, we're going to be talking about video and for those people getting married out there, just the best tips to get the best video you can when especially when you're hiring a videographer and once you've hired one, there's two steps to take to get the best wedding video at the end of the day.

Brian: Yeah. And if we ever mention a thousand times we're both videographers, we both run video and photo companies and we just we don't want anyone to stress on your wedding day, you're going to hear that in almost every single episode.

Josh: And we want you to do your wedding the way that you want to do it. And so when you're doing your video and photo, that should not be your main concern. So here's some things that you can think about before so that you have good things. And most of them are not going to be things that you have to do all the time.

Brian: It's going to be a little work at a time, right?

Josh: Yep. Awesome. So, Josh, what advice would you give to brides to ensure that their wedding video aligns with their vision?

Josh: Yeah, so has a as a bride or groom getting married, I'm sure if you're wanting a wedding video, I'm sure you have some sort of style. So I think for our for our clients, we've had the best success when they're figuring out what type of wedding video to send us, the examples when they book us.

Brian: So they there's a there's varying styles, trending styles, a little bit older styles. Do you want a story you like a true like film or do you just want a montage wedding video? So sending your videographer examples of that has been super helpful so that you kind of know what style they want. So that's how we generally do it in the beginning stages of, you know, getting to know my brides and grooms, we go back and forth.

Josh: We'll often send out a questionnaire with a bunch of information, and there we'll try to capture really what their style is. And then we can kind of we'll talk about this in a second, but figure out what would genres of music they like. Are they country, pop folk, hip hop or whatever. We can kind of base of the video around that.

Brian: So we like to collect that information definitely before wedding day.

Josh: Yeah, that's awesome. And can you walk through like, can you walk through real quick kind of just the types of videos like you mentioned, there's like montage and there's like because like some are long, some are short, right?

Brian: Yeah. Yeah. So it really varies. We, we do highlight reels.

Josh: We can do a one minute often we do this in addition to a longer film, but they're really popular with Instagram, even making it vertical. So like one minute or even 30 seconds have just all the amazing shots with a hype song generally. Yeah. Hopefully we can do a little bit of of audio of the hours or like the officiant or something in there because that's a short form.

Brian: And then we can do like a montage, which is, you know, 5 to 7 minutes and it's some people it's called a wedding film or a wedding video, sometimes news. That's what that's usually what they're talking about, right like that. What would you say? Like it could be where five, eight, 9 minutes, somewhere in that range usually, Right.

Josh: Yeah. And so like, that's just capturing all the shots of the day, candid shots of them in the moment, not, you know, focusing on the cameras and also style shots where we take them, our bride and groom, and we get some shots of them interacting with each other, shots like post shots where we give them direction.

Brian: And then also with with vowels. Oftentimes it's great audio storytelling to have our couples record their vows either in advance to the ceremony, they can read each other's, which is really cool, or we capture them during the ceremony. And having that audio as a background to all the viral shots and everything else just makes for a really cool story.

Josh: Yeah, for sure. And then the third video that is kind of like the entire day, right?

Brian: Yeah, sometimes you might your parents might say like, Oh, hey, do we get like a 45 minute or two hour video? It's like, we can definitely do that. And that's usually it. In addition to what you're getting for your wedding film or the wedding, some kind of tells the story of the day. Usually the the there's so many different ways that people call like the editorial edit or, you know, there's a bunch of different things that people call it, but there's a long form that will basically just be a chronological order of your day with an entire ceremony, all the speeches, all that sort of stuff.

Josh: Yes, speeches, ceremony, vows, just all the good shots, basically, and not really that much editing because we're just putting so much. Right. So it's not strong in the crop shots. It's just like, yeah, everything. Yeah. And that's cool. I mean, like if you want everything great, like you're a videographer. No, but like you said, looking at the style ahead of time, those aren't usually the ones you're going to see on YouTube.

Brian: But those are things that, you know, kind of an addition that you can get. Yeah, but yeah, I think that's great.

Josh: Yeah. So the biggest tip we would have for brides is just figure out the style you want and then communicate with your videographer, share with them videos that you love.

Brian: Yeah. That you love, especially. And then we can definitely base a lot of that around your style.

Josh: So it's OK to send the videographer a bunch of stuff you hate. Right.

Brian: It's sometimes more helpful. Sometimes it's actually more helpful to know what you don't like because then we won't do that.

Josh: So it's always nice to see examples of work that you love, though, like if you're wanting a specific shot. Like, I've always wanted this shot of like my husband dipping me in a field and the lighting is just amazing.

Brian: So it's like, OK, well, that's cool.

Josh: Yeah. So you should always if you see things you love, definitely send them our way. And then another thing that we talked about is music. And so, yeah, what types of music do you see brides often choosing?

Brian: I think it really varies. A lot of times we have the couple think about this pretty far in advance because they'll be spending they'll be sitting together a lot of times, like looking at music. We see a lot of people choosing love songs.

Josh: Yeah. Like ballads, romantic songs. Yeah, a lot of times they'll be like maybe like you said, a song that means a lot to the bride and groom, like something from their past or something.

Brian: Yeah, that's really common.

Josh: And then we also see other people going more with the trend, like indie songs are becoming more popular, too. Yeah.

Brian: Like the first song that you and your husband danced to, stuff like that.

Josh: Yeah. And I think for a lot of people, it's a good time to go through like you have like a certain playlist that you really like and you listen to, and it's a good time to go through and find songs that are really meaningful to you. Right.

Brian: Yeah. And I think sometimes people get really creative, they can't decide between songs. So they'll have like a ballad in the beginning and maybe they'll have some like hip hop.

Josh: I mean, like there's no rules to like, oh, you can't use more than one song.

Brian: We can definitely find a way to make it work.

Josh: Yeah, and we always find a way to make the audio work. And so I think that's really cool. And then do you have any other like do you have any advice for couples when they're thinking about how to choose their music?

Brian: I would say listen to the radio, maybe, you know, Spotify has some top hits list, stuff like that.

Josh: Or if you're looking for something that you don't really know what's out there, I would say go to like Vimeo or YouTube or something.

Brian: And it's great because people are always posting all their new stuff. And so a lot of times we'll get couples to send us songs and we're like, we never heard of this before. And it's because it's like brand new. Right. And it's a great way to find awesome songs that maybe a lot of people aren't using yet.

Josh: So if you're kind of just if you're like all right, we're engaged, but we don't really know what type of song we want, what type of vibe we want, that's a great way to get some inspiration.

Brian: Yeah. Because a lot of times they don't really know.

Josh: So I would say, yeah, check out Vimeo, check out YouTube, see if you like the music, just kind of feel the vibes of videos and we'll definitely ask you in the beginning, like what type of vibe do you want?

Brian: So we'll find a song for you.

Josh: We always find a song. We always find the perfect song. And then it's a great time to just sit down with your fiance and go through some songs. Like we've even had some people that they will pick their song for the highlight film, but then they're like, oh, wait, but we also have to pick a song for the ceremony or for the ceremony that's different. Right. And so we've even had people that are like, oh, you know, I don't really know, like my fiancé, he has his taste in music, I have my taste in music.

Brian: And we don't really have a song together.

Josh: That's something that's definitely like. Yeah. Yeah, we don't really have a song. Right. And so I think that's cool.

Brian: So that's when you can go through and make a Spotify playlist and just listen to a bunch of stuff together.

Josh: Yeah, and just kind of vibe it out. And I think for me, it's like I love romantic songs.

Brian: So you're looking for like something that's emotional.

Josh: Yeah, I love emotional songs. I love songs that make people feel. Yeah, that's really important to me. So it's like if we're doing a highlight reel that is just like a love song.

Brian: And then for montage that is more traditional, you can pick a song that's more like up beat and has a really good beat to it.

Josh: Yeah, but then we've had some people where they don't really like that style, that traditional style, and they're like, oh, we want like a fun song.

Brian: Yeah, they wanted something fun. I love that, too.


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