Brian interviews Rachel Speight about her wedding venue, Venue On The Rocks, located in Estes Park near Rocky Mountain National Park. They talk about the special aspects of the place, such as its beautiful location and access to the riverfront. Rachel said she loves decorating and having flowers on site. 

Rachel advises couples to spend money on their two most important things, like photography and venue, because those are the things they will remember most. They emphasize the importance of communication and recommend providing all relevant information to wedding vendors in a timely manner. Rachel talks about how other venue is like a home for the day and encourages vendors to be comfortable. 

Brian, as a vendor himself, agrees that communication is important and recommends that you discuss the location well in advance. Both encourage couples to have a unique wedding day by breaking with tradition and finding venues that allow for personalization. They believe that there is a place for everyone and put the happiness of the couple first.


Rachel: Obviously budget is a thing for everybody and that's totally understandable and I say like when I think about it I'm like pick your top two things that you're like willing to really kind of spend a little more on Personally, I would think it would be photography and venue because that's what everybody gonna see that's what you're gonna look back on 

Brian: Welcome to the Colorado wedding podcast, the ultimate place to plan your Colorado wedding from luxury weddings to intimate elopements We'll guide you through planning your wedding in the beautiful state of Colorado We're your host Josh and Brian and we're here to give you insider tips and advice From all kinds of Colorado wedding experts, join us and discover the best ways to reduce wedding stress and design your unique wedding day.

Brian: Hey guys, welcome back. This is Brian from the Colorado wedding podcast. Uh, today we have an awesome guest, Rachel Spite, and she runs the venue on the rocks in Estes park. So Rachel, do you want to tell us a little bit about how you got started with the venue? Yes. 

Rachel: Thank you for having me. Um, so my best friend owns the toffee shop or originally a toffee shop with coffee on their rocks.

Rachel: She came to me and said hey, I have a place for a venue because i've always wanted all my own venue So she's like if you want to put it in the venue run with it. I'm not willing So we've run the venue part of it. So here you go. So I ran with it. 

Brian: That's so awesome. And you guys have like such a beautiful location up here in Estes Park.

Brian: Um, and if you guys go to the video of this, you can see, we're going to take some amazing shots. We're like right here in the mountains. Like how, what are you, five minutes from Rocky Mountain National Park? If that, 

Rachel: it's like two blocks up and then we're right on the river. It's a river. We have our own kind of access to the river.

Rachel: So that's kind of nice. 

Brian: Yeah. And that's a super cool story. I mean, I don't think that. Most people like start a venue. You're not like the one who starts like, I don't, we don't talk to a lot of people like that, right? Yeah. So that's so cool. 

Rachel: Yeah. Yeah, it's fun. And it's just, it's a unique place. It's our little like safe haven across our little feed pit and we're just tucked away and, and most people don't even know we're here.

Brian: So, yeah. Yeah. I think that's true. And, uh, they will cause it's amazing. Um, so yeah. So today we're going to talk about just kind of some advice from someone who runs a venue, especially. You have control of like the entire venue. And you talked, you, we were talking a little bit before this about how venues are different, right?

Brian: Right. Like some venues are, I don't wanna say like cookie cutter, that's kind of mean, but they have a certain structure. Yes. Right. And you're saying that you guys are different, right? 

Rachel: Yes. So I'd say, I like to explain it as there's some that are like a OneStop shop. We are not OneStop shop, which some people like a OneStop shop because they want to.

Rachel: Not have to do as much, I guess you could say. I don't want to put it in a bad way, but they want, you know, everything just kind of done already. Caterers, um, photographers, florists, and we're not that. If we bring in any vendories, like any photographer, florist, caterer, we don't care who you bring, we want it to be your wedding, not ours.

Rachel: Um, but our alcohol is our only thing, just because we have our liquor license, but other than that, like, we want people to have the freedom to, You know, make it their own wedding, and, you know, nowadays I feel like weddings are just getting so unique when everybody loves to do something a little different, not so, like, traditional, I guess you could say, and I would say we are very different than, than most of the traditional ones, or older ones that have been going for a while, I guess you could say, so, I don't know, I would say we're very unique in that sense.

Brian: Yeah, and I think, like, We always talk about in the podcast like we want to reduce the brides and grooms stress on the wedding day Right and like if you're stressed, you're not gonna have a good time and it's cost a lot of money for a wedding And yeah, like you're I don't say you're wasting that money But you know, that could be a lot and so if you're a person who is stressed out by being kind of pin Pigeonholed into a certain structure where you have the same timeline as everybody else And if that's, if that's your type of person, then your venue is a great option, right?

Brian: Yes, I 

Rachel: would say so. Yeah. And the food, I, you know, I'd have chicken shreds at my wedding if it were me and I want people to just, I tell everybody to ask, I'm like, it's your wedding, not mine. So like, bring whatever you want or you don't care. And as, as I run it, I help really, you tell me like, what's the eater you brought in?

Rachel: Like it is, it's not a one stop shop, but I'm there to help you. I'm there to guide you if you need help. That's just how I am because I want it to go perfect for you. So. In a sense, if you just get what you want, or I can give you ideas. I mean, I know a lot of connections because of the venue. So we're not a one stop shop, but I can, I can make it a one stop shop for you if you really want, but I'd like people to kind of get creative in their own way and make it their own.

Brian: That's so cool. So, um, let's kind of start with that and talk about like. Your advice. I know that you and I talking that you love the uniqueness of weddings, right? There can be Weddings that are completely different from another and both be awesome, right? Right and we talked about that as as a photographer I always think about like I dream of doing that Engagement shoot where they want to go rock climbing Yeah, they you know They want to wear certain outfits that really appeal to them and I think that people are are probably a little scared to do that Right.

Brian: I'm sure you've experienced that 

Rachel: so and you know, it's it's so fun here though, because the options are endless Like I said, like, we could be your, like, your Pinterest that you're keeping and saving, that you're pinning, however, you can do that here. Like, we're, I mean, we give you the freedom to, we really are very wavy about what you do.

Rachel: But like, the scenery here, yes, you might not need much decor because the scenery here speaks for itself. But if you are one of those people that wants to go all out, you can. And you can literally make this place, like, The Pinterest wedding you've always dreamed of having you can get on the river, which is fun I mean, yeah different like the photos on the river are beautiful if you're willing to get on.

Rachel: Yeah for sure. It's just different It's not like your typical venue in town Or a bar in a bar and we're not like that either I mean, we're literally just in the Mavins on the resorts as Estes Park Rocky Mountain as you can 

Brian: get. Yeah Yeah, so for our brides that like aren't in the Estes Park area, right?

Brian: So, I mean we Colorado's massive. Yeah, we know there's So many beautiful locations, like we're super blessed to have this crazy, this crazy state that has so much cool stuff. So if a bride or a groom are planning their wedding and they are, they have a place like yours that's very open and flexible, do you have any advice to like, for them how to make it unique or how to kind of start with a blank canvas and like things that they should kind of plan to make it unique?

Rachel: Yeah, I would say, you know, figure out, obviously budget is a thing for everybody and that's totally understandable. And I say, like, when I think about it, I'm like, pick your top two things that you're, like, willing to really kind of spend a little more on. Personally, I would think it would be photography and venue, because that's what everybody's gonna see.

Rachel: That's what you're gonna look back on, and that's what you're gonna look back on the food. You don't even remember what you eat most of the time, like, so I would go from there. But, like, you know, advice for me is I, I like to decorate things. That's just how I am. I love flowers. But we also do have a ton of flowers here already just as a venue we have it's just that mountain kind of yeah We like to have flowers.

Rachel: Yeah, but budget every year and spend about probably eight thousand dollars on flowers for the service So, um, but my advice yes I'd say pick your top two you need to budget that you want to spend a little more on and I would personally, I'm just seeing photography and many because Probably if he captures where you're at and the venue is where you're at, so then that's what you're going to look back on.

Rachel: So that's just, that's why one big piece of advice is kind of budget you're caught to that you really want to kind of spend a little 

Brian: more. Okay, I think that's great advice because you can't spend money on everything. Maybe some people can, and if you can, great, awesome. That's do you, right? We always say that.

Brian: Do you, do your thing. So I think that's great advice for people who have a budget is to kind of focus on the things that they know they're going to put money towards and then kind of look at the other stuff and fill that in as, as much as they can financially. Right. Um, so what about when they have really cool ideas?

Brian: Like if you had someone came to you and had this amazing wedding idea that was completely unique. And it was a big vision. I know that you'd be excited about that, right? What do you think would be their next steps to plan out? Do you think that a wedding planner would help or just day of? Or what do you, how do you feel about that?

Brian: I would, I would 

Rachel: say wedding planner. Also, I don't know if you necessarily need a wedding planner for a whole month. You know, I'd say more like, no more than a month. I'd say the month before, you know, you get, cause there are a bunch of wedding planners that we'll do every day of or a couple weeks out or a month out instead of like the whole year in planning.

Rachel: Which adds up. But like that month out, you know, you just get 'em in. They're so talented at what they do. Yeah. You give them their, your vision and they just, they run with it. So you give them your, your vision and if you do that a month out. But, um, I do a lot of Yeah. Myself. Yeah. I, I'm not a wedding planner, but like, just because I run the venue, I end up planning a lot when I really, I get with anybodys because I love it.

Rachel: Well, yeah, if they came to me with an idea, I'd probably run with them on it and help them with it, and deck this place out. Yeah. It was so fun. Um, the arch, our ceremony spot is not in the same spot as our reception. Okay. So that's nice. You don't have to do the technical thing they would call it a re inflection sort of thing.

Rachel: Sure. But you don't have to, like, you don't have to wait to use the space where your ceremony was for your reception. Yeah. So you could probably, the ceremony area always is out. Down next to the river with the backdrop in the mountains. Yeah. You could deck that out with flowers. I would say lights, if you want.

Rachel: Yeah. Anything you can think of, yeah, and do miracles. We're, we'd love it. I would love it. And I would probably felt it with it, obviously. Yeah. 

Brian: No, I think that's so awesome. And I just want to jump in for Rachel here because I think that, like she said, she isn't a planner, but people that run venues do a ton of planning.

Brian: So I, not just you, but everybody who runs venues, even if you're not a planner and you're not including that in a package at a venue, they are doing so much work behind the scenes. And so that means helping with decorations and making sure your day is going super amazing. So when you're looking for a venue, Um, I don't know if you'd speak up for yourself for this, but that, that chemistry you have with the venue is super important.

Brian: Right. And me as a photographer and videographer, I see... Venues like you that are very flexible and they are willing to help. And that is, that can make your day so much less stressful by having someone who is just like, yeah, let's do that. That's so cool. Versus having certain places. I don't want to mention these certain places right now, but there are venues who say they're kind of a no before a yes.

Brian: And so I just want to. Vouch for you guys and anybody else like you out there, any other venues like there that, that kind of run it that way, because there's so much work being done there. So that's just advice to anybody planning a wedding is when you're walking through the venue, if they say, Hey, yes, you can do this.

Brian: Yeah, you can totally do that. Oh my gosh, that would be so cool. That is take that to heart and trust your gut because that is such a cool thing. I end up 

Rachel: giving more ideas. I'm like, what about this? Yes. So bad. Cause I just love 

Brian: it for 

Rachel: you, but great for them. It's very for them. I'm passionate about it, but this is my baby.

Rachel: So, you know, I have. So if you have, if you budgeted it, I would sell up you in it. Yeah. 

Brian: So like I said, I just want to vouch for people like you and especially you, because like there's so much work being done by the venue, even if you do have a planner. So, and usually they're working together, working together as a team, which is, makes everything right.

Brian: Great. Um, so one other question I have about kind of advice is, so on your wedding day and you have, let's say you do have kind of, you've designed a wedding that is, is, Maybe a little bit different, or you've planned a certain design. What do you think is the best way to communicate with the venue to make sure that it's not, that could be chaos, right?

Brian: Like, say you have a million pieces of design. That's amazing once it gets finished, but what's the best way to communicate with someone like you to make sure that all of that stays organized and that it's not... Right, so 

Rachel: I love to keep everything on email. Some people love to start texting me and I'm like, Oh, I got it.

Rachel: Like I, I keep everything with the venue organized through email. It's just, it's my easiest way cause I can go search it. Um, but I would say email me everything. I want to know, like, I want to know who your caterer is. I want to know who your florist is. Cause I want to be in contact with them. Cause I don't want those vendors come in and thinking, you know, we don't have our stuff together here.

Rachel: Like I want everything organized. So it's easy for. Not just the bride and groom, but for all the vendors that are included as well that are coming because you know It's just smooth operation if everybody is on track and I can help with that because we are the venues I like that. I I'm not trying to control it by any means.

Rachel: I just want to make sure everybody knows where to be Where to go when they get here to the venue or like my staff that works the weddings They all know everything so then I can give them all the info. I'm not here Um, cause I'm not at every wedding. Um, but yeah, so if they just communicate and say this is who is going to be.

Rachel: Spreadsheets sound crazy, but they're great. Yeah. Caterer, time they're going to be here, what they need. Cause a lot of caterers that come to our venue, like they won't bring tables. So they don't know our tables. They need lint. They need that. So it's nice to know, just know everything. So last minute we're not like.

Rachel: I want to communicate, so communication, really, communication is key. So if you can just give me everything, even a week out, that's fine. Preferably more though. Preferably more, but even a week out, I'm like, that would be great. Just to have, you know, who's doing this, who's doing that. So then I know who's coming, and you know, a lot of times I've worked with them already.

Rachel: So then it's just easy, I just send, shoot them a text, I'm like, Oh, so glad you're coming to the venue, theater, at the venue. Um, I don't know if you need anything, but you know the, you know, the drill, just use whatever you want. This place, our home is your home, really. That's kind of how I see it with the venue.

Rachel: Our place is your place for the day. So, just 

Brian: do what you need. Yeah, and as a vendor myself, you know, when I'm doing photos or doing video... I always talk to the venue, even if I can't do it until like you said, a week before, just let them know, like, Hey, this is kind of what we're looking at with some good spots, especially if we haven't shot there before, but some good spots.

Brian: So that's just a note just from the two of us. And I'm sure all of the vendors would say the same, and this might even be a red flag if, uh, if vendors don't do this, which is. If they don't communicate, if they don't ask like, Hey, can we talk to the planner? Hey, can we talk to the venue or as a photographer?

Brian: Hey, can I talk to the videographer or vice versa? Yeah, we want, especially as a venue, I'm sure it sounds like it's really important to you that the vendors reply back and that yes. Yeah, because I know how much, it's so weird to show up in the day and be like, Oh, who are you? Oh, you're the DJ or who are you?

Brian: You're the, you're the caterer or whatever, because. If you haven't communicated before that, that means all that communication has to be done day of, which is just, it's already, it's going to be a crazy day, even when it's organized. Right. So, um, yeah, that's just another note to anybody planning a wedding that if you see vendors that don't communicate well, if they're not communicating well with you, they're probably not communicating well with the venue planner, et cetera.

Brian: Yeah. So I think that's an awesome point to just. Like make sure that you're talking to everybody because even, even with planning, it's still some chaos and, and right. And we don't, we don't want to, I'm sure like you do, like, you probably don't want to go to the bride and groom on the day of and be like, Hey, how do you want this?

Brian: Hey, how do you want this? How do you want this? Right. 

Rachel: And I have a fair share amount of those just because a lot of the times I've had a fair share of writing groups that end up putting Craylee member as a player. Yes. And that's hard. Mm hmm. Because that just, you know, they see it their way and not the writing group's way.

Rachel: So I, I mean, I would advise somebody to get a day at Fort Theatre. Mm hmm. Somebody that is not related to them and can really just kind of boss people around actually, you know, without feeling bad. You need, you need that person that's up top and just saying this needs that, this needs to be there, you know, and not so bad.

Rachel: I mean, but you still, 

Brian: yeah. And good planners are super valuable and we've gotten flack for this on social media a little bit already just saying like, Hey, you know, if you can hire a planner, that'd be great. And we know it's additional part of your budget. So, I mean, you guys, anyone who's listening, like you can hear us that.

Brian: And we're not saying that everybody has to get one. We know it's another expense. Yeah. Um, but it also is valuable. 

Rachel: It's worth it. Yes, I would say it's worth it because health means so so much Easy going, easy, I don't know how else to explain it. Less stress on the bride, really less stress on really anybody involved.

Rachel: Yes. And the wedding party, all the vendors, it helps. Yeah. Nothing else. I understand it is something. I see a lot of brides that are like, you know, that's at the last, the bottom of their budget. But they're like, well, we don't need that. But then a family member ends up getting put in charge and it's 

Brian: chaos.

Brian: Yes. It really is. And we actually talked about that in another episode. If you are going to pick someone, they probably shouldn't be super involved in the wedding. So like a mom, a sister, or even a friend who is involved. If they're a bridesmaid, that's a no go. If they have other stuff to do on the wedding day, it is a lot to ask.

Brian: Even if they say they want to do it. Um, it can really make their day just, it's like when you're at work, like you're just focusing on your tasks and you're not really enjoying the day. So again, anyone out there, if you can't afford it, we totally understand. Look, I'm not rich. You're not rich. Like we, we totally get it.

Brian: If I was planning my wedding again, that would be, I'd be stressed out about hiring someone to plan it. But they can make every other vendor better. Right. And so, but again, maybe we're vouching for the, now we're vouching for everybody, but vouching for the other wedding planners that they have coordinators out there.



Rachel: do. They, they're, they're a little miracle workers. Yeah. I love when they come in, they're like, here's the deal. It's, it's hopeful, but, um, you know, and I've actually thought of just starting to do Courtney. I already kind of do. Yeah. Yeah. So like maybe 2024, I will just say, Hey, you know, if you want, like.

Rachel: It will be extra though, because it is a lot longer. But, I've considered it, Mike Carter, the owner of the Thought Shop, she's like, you really just need to do your default anyways. And I'm like, I know, but, I just, I'm too nice. 

Brian: Yeah, and there are a lot of venues out there that do that. So no matter where you live in Colorado, no matter where you're planning your wedding, you can usually find a venue that includes at least a day of coordinator, if not, you know, a month, or even a full coordinator, and what's, there is an advantage to that too, right?

Brian: Like, what are some of the advantages? As, as far as like, if, if it's someone who works for the venue, there's just less 

Rachel: emails, less everything, you know, like, I mean, like I said, this is my baby. I know everything like the back of my hand. So, and all the staff, and I know a lot of the vendors that are coming to our place.

Rachel: And, and SSU have a lot of look that people, um, but it's just, you know, like I know this place like the back of my hand and I already am over the, see over the staff here. You know, it might be valuable, we'll see. It might be the future, I'm 

Brian: confident. Yeah. Okay. Well, if Rachel has offers it, just take it, just do it, pay the extra money.

Brian: Um, well, yeah. So, um, but yeah, I think, so just kind of like recap, you've given such awesome advice today. And I think to recap, it's just. Making sure I think communication kind of covered a lot of those things. Um, but yeah, when you're planning do you like unique? Oh, yeah, the most memorable wedding days that I've shot are the ones where they said, you know what we're doing away with this tradition Or we're doing this tradition in every way or we're doing something Yes, and I think that is such a cool thing and an opportunity that there are venues like yours Yes, so like venue on the rocks like There are places where you're allowed to do those sort of things.

Brian: So if you are interested in having a unique day that's totally different, look for those type of venues. Right, yes. And I can't, I can't emphasize that enough. And if you're not... Totally fine. Go somewhere else. And there's a, there's a venue for everybody. Whatever makes you happy. Yeah, we all want you to be happy.

Brian: Yes. And as a photographer, the photos are better when you're happy. Yeah. So it's obviously. Um, but Rachel, what's the best place if someone wants to come and, uh, tour your, your venue or tour, um, venue on the rocks? Uh, what's the best, where's, where's the best place to find you or where to go? So you can go to 

Rachel: our website, it's coffeeontherocks.

Rachel: org because we are Coffee on the Rocks and Venue on the Rocks. Some people get that confused, but we're the same. Um, or you can go to our Instagram, which is Venue on the Rocks underscore 

Brian: CO. Okay, so at Venue on the Rocks underscore CO. Yes. And that way you can get a look at what the venue looks 

Rachel: like. I post a lot on it.

Rachel: I run everything. So if you're emailing, it's coming to me. If you're messaging on Instagram, it's coming to me. If you want to call me, call me. Like, that's how churchable we are. We're family and locally owned. So like, it's not corporate, nothing like that. Yes. We, like, I'd love to talk to you, you know, instead of just email.

Rachel: That's great. Whatever makes you happy. We're, we're just humans, you know? No. 

Brian: Yeah. If you're planning a wedding and you're in that sister, you're in Rocky Mountain National Park. Make sure to email, obviously, email ahead and take a tour of the venue because it is beautiful out here. Or stop by and get coffee.

Brian: Yeah, yes, and the coffee shop is amazing. So, well, Rachel, thank you so much for giving some advice to our brides and grooms out there planning weddings or anybody else, I guess. And, um, we'll talk to you again soon. Perfect, thank 

Rachel: you for having me. 

Brian: Thanks for listening to this episode of the Colorado Wedding Podcast.

Brian: We hope you found our tips insightful for planning your Colorado wedding. For all the free wedding planning tools, checklists, and guides, go to Colorado wedding Don't forget to rate us on Apple and Spotify and be sure to follow us on Instagram at co wedding podcast. We appreciate you and hope you have the best wedding possible.

Brian: See you next time.


Tips from A Colorado Wedding Venue Owner


Elevate Your Wedding with Unforgettable Reception Decor