In this episode, Rachel Speight from The Venue on the Rocks in Estes Park, CO, talks about the concept of short-term rentals for events, specifically focusing on weddings. She discusses that there are venues available for short-term rentals, providing an alternative option for those who don't want to commit to a long-term venue. 

The episode also touches upon the flexibility of these venues, allowing for various events such as rehearsal dinners and receptions. It highlights the appeal of using scenic locations for elopements and capturing beautiful photos. Rachel advises caution when considering VRBOs and Airbnbs as wedding venues, as they may come with hidden costs and potential damages. 

It concludes by emphasizing the importance of planning ahead and suggests reaching out to venues like "Venue on the Rocks" for further inquiries.


Rachel: The new thing now too is to get a VRBO here in Estes and that doesn't work. Yes. It just doesn't. I've had like, I've had probably five people just this summer come to me. They had a whole little, either a whole wedding or a whole little elopement planned and somehow the owners found out and they're like, you're, here's your money back.

Rachel: You're not even able to rent our place anymore. And they come to me last minute and they're like, well, we've already sent invitations out. 

Brian: Welcome to the Colorado Wedding Podcast, the ultimate place to plan your Colorado wedding. From luxury weddings to intimate elopements, we'll guide you through planning your wedding in the beautiful state of Colorado.

Brian: We're your hosts, Josh and Brian, and we're here to give you insider tips and advice. From all kinds of Colorado wedding experts, join us and discover the best ways to reduce wedding stress and design your unique wedding day. Hi guys. Uh, this is Brian again with the Colorado wedding podcast, and we're back here with Rachel Spite again, a venue on the rocks in Estes park, Colorado, which is such a beautiful location.

Brian: Two minutes from Rocky mountain national park. And today we're going to talk about just elopements and we have so many questions about elopements and Colorado is. What the most beautiful state in the world? Whatever. It's very beautiful. It's top ten at least. And um, a lot of elopements are People think of as going to the middle of nowhere and bringing everything and bringing their family and having them drive out there and cell phone service doesn't work.

Brian: And, uh, Rachel, your venue, if you could talk a little bit about the venue and just kind of where it's located and how you kind of handle elopements, because I don't think that most people think of. A venue when they think of 

Rachel: allotments, right? Right. So yeah, so we're originally a coffee shop turned into a venue and we're in Estes Park like two minutes from Rocky Mountain National Park.

Rachel: We like literally you just drive up and you're entering. Yeah, we're on the river. We have our own pond. Um, we own the land all the way around the pond. A lot of people don't realize we own all the land out here down to the river, so that's unique. Um, but no, for elopement, we offer it because everybody wants our scenery.

Rachel: So, you know, instead of going in the middle of nowhere, not really sure where you're going, people are, have been coming to us and they want like an hour or two hours and they're like, we just want your scenery, we want to be on the river and like, you know, we have a way for it to not be so chaotic, I guess you could say.

Rachel: Um, you know where you're going and then we also let people use the pavilion because we've had some that want to pop champagne and like do a little cake cutting like literally, yeah, and you know, I would say the new term for elopements from what I've heard is micro weddings. So it's elopements and micro weddings.

Rachel: So micro wedding is they just want to do like a small cake cutting, like I just said, or pop champagne. Yep. And so we do offer that you can. Have the ceremony anywhere around. I mean, you can have your ceremony wherever you want on our property. I have a spot where I like it with the backdrop in the mountains, right on the river, but like, whatever you want.

Rachel: We don't care. It's your wedding. Um, but, and then you can use the pavilion if you want to do a little cake cutting or whatever you need to do in that time frame. So you can rent it for an hour or two hours. I mean, you can rent it for however long. The, um, minimum is an hour. So and then you can just go from there and but you don't have to put on a full on wedding here You can kind of do whatever you want Rehearsal dinner if you want just a reception and you want to do your little went up in the Rocky Mountains That's fine, too.

Rachel: You can come back down here and party at our place Whatever you want. Really we provide an arch if you want it. Some people kind of want their own arch bring their own arch That's fine But we have one and we had it specifically made to match everything here with the pavilion and whatnot. So you can use that.

Rachel: We rent linens out so you can, you know, we can do a quick little one stop shop if you really want to. 

Brian: And you know, we talk a lot about. Traditional weddings. I mean, obviously there's a lot of those and elopements are super popular. People even who are living Colorado will do elopements in Colorado, people traveling from other places and just like a traditional wedding, I think people can kind of put themselves into a box of what they want to look like.

Brian: Right. You see these Pinterest boards. We all have a love hate relationship with Pinterest vendors. So, um, but I think that they think, Oh, hey, I'm back. I have to go out here. I have to bring an arch. I got to carry all this stuff. You know, I have to make sure that my family knows where to go. Cell phone service isn't great.

Brian: Um, I'm, you know, all that sort of stuff. And I think that there's ways that some of that load can be taken off. And so there are venues like yours that offer just a short term rental. And that's, I don't think, there's not a lot of them. But... There is that option. So you don't have to put yourself in a box of hey, we have to control everything and if it rains, what are we going to do and all that sort of stuff.

Brian: Um, and so, can you talk a little bit about, you know, whether you have a ceremony here or is there a difference between if they have a ceremony here or if they don't? 

Rachel: So, yeah, I mean, they can have a rehearsal dinner here. They can have a reception. Is that what you kind of mean by that? Um, you can, any event you can think of, we'll put on here.

Rachel: But, if you do want specifically like a little elopement, because you want to use our scenery, which we have a bunch of those, just because it's so beautiful out here, and on the river. Almost a lot of people want the photos. Yes. That's what they're wanting and they want this beautiful little like like I call It's our little safe haven place.

Rachel: Yeah, so it's just cute and we don't have it's not a ballroom. 

Brian: No Yes, and so you still get that elopement Feel that mountain feel that you want colorado for and you want estes park for 

Rachel: it's very private. Um, Obviously we close down to the public that whatever you rent we close to the public So if you're renting that for an elopement The whole, everywhere around the pond or a whole pathway down to the river in the pavilion is all yours.

Rachel: Yes. So, it's, it's very private and sweet. 

Brian: Yeah, and just from a photographer and videographer standpoint, a lot of people don't realize this with a little bit, but there's a lot of permits. There's certain place you can't do things. There's certain places where they don't want you to walk. So even in Rocky Mountain National Park, which is pretty open, you're gonna have permitting.

Brian: You're gonna have licensing for having a ceremony and so and even like you said you guys own your land and even there's certain Waterways and stuff that are public and you can't film on or you can't get married on or you can't etc So that's a lot of 

Rachel: rules that people would never know about Um, the new thing now too is to get a vrbo here in estes and that doesn't work Yes, it just doesn't i've had like i've had probably five people just this summer come to me.

Rachel: They had a whole little Either a whole wedding or a whole little elopement planned and somehow The owners found out yes, and they're like you're here's your money back You're not even able to rent our place anymore and they come to me last minute They're like, well, we've already sent invitations out.

Rachel: Like do you have this day available? And I'm like, no, we book out pretty far in advance We have there we always have those days that we still have available, you know It just have to 

Brian: weekday or something like that, but that's you know, 

Rachel: but there's so many rules in Estes, especially Estes There are a lot of rules you have to I think that's true everywhere in Colorado.

Rachel: Yeah. Yeah. So you have to be careful but here Come on, come on over. We don't we don't have very many. 

Brian: That's amazing advice because there are VRBOs that will allow weddings and You should anybody out there listening Anyone who's planning a wedding and wants to a micro wedding and they want to do at this beautiful VRBO You need to check or Airbnb or whatever you need to check with them if you're allowed to do that because many of them aren't and Obviously people that are planning a, an elopement or a micro wedding, they want to kind of like reduce the number of people they want to be smaller, they want it to be a little bit less stress and.

Brian: If you're not communicating with that VRBO or trying to kind of secretly do that You're definitely running the risk. Yeah, and sometimes the the neighbors are Paying attention and they let the VRBO VRBO owners know And like I said same thing going into the park Some people think you just show up and start a wedding day But there's permitting that needs to be applied for ahead of time And so all that is to say that check where you're going get all that permitting done sometimes Six months before you just never know because there might be someone else having a wedding at that location or you know Oh my god, that's and that's crazy to think about when you're in Rocky Mountain National Park, which is whatever a million acres But that does happen.

Brian: So I think that's amazing advice that people need to hear and so all that is to say again, I just want to kind of speak to how awesome is to have a location like yours where they'll let you rent a venue for less than 10 hours or less than eight hours and that is something that you can that can be found So don't stress if you're out there and you're saying, you know, hey, we want to do an elopement in in the mountains But then we want to go to a venue and make sure we have hot food that we don't have to bring with us or We don't want to go to a restaurant because that can be really stressful, right?

Rachel: Oh, yeah, just because they're not shutting down to for just your little group. They just won't it's too busy And in essence like summer is prime time for all of us that own businesses here so like You know, tons of mountain towns are like that closing down. I promise you that because they've got to take everything they can get because in the winter, it's.

Rachel: A ghost town here. Yeah. 

Brian: And, uh, I mean, that's true for so many mountain towns. I mean, obviously the ski towns, that wedding is going to be expensive either way, whether you do an elopement or not, but there are ski, there are non ski towns and the same way it's, it's very popular in the summer. So again, think ahead, even if you're doing an elopement, think ahead, you know, I've had brides and grooms who want to plan kind of a last minute elopement.

Brian: And it's, I think it's more than people think it is. 

Rachel: Right. So, yeah, it is. It almost turns into more than an actual wedding sometimes. It's crazy to think about. You're doing more on your own. Yeah. You're doing more on your own. And, It's hard to find a place where you can, where you're able to do it, actually.

Rachel: So then it ends up kind of being more of an issue. Um, but, we, you're able to do it here, so come on over. Yeah. 

Brian: Can you speak to how you are going to help kind of reduce, coming to a place like yours that, this venue that allows elopement, how that's going to take a big chunk of stress off of the bride 

Rachel: and groom?

Rachel: Yeah, so, I mean, they'd come to me, like I said, um, everything comes to me. So if you're emailing or messaging on Instagram, all of it comes to me. So. Um, I, I pretty much help just playing it together. It's, they're pretty, they're pretty easy if you know what you're doing. Um, so when they come to me, I just, you know, and a lot of people will be like, Hey, can we meet?

Rachel: Um, I have one that's coming here soon. She's like, can we meet? She's doing an hour elopement here. And she's like, I just want to get an idea and I want to pick your brain because I know the place like the back of my hands. So, you know, it's helpful because here I am able to, you know, I am willing to help.

Rachel: So, um, if they need help, I'm more than happy to just, Get it done for them. And I mean, it's real simple and easy. If you know what you're doing, I feel like, yeah, and you're almost 

Brian: like part of the planning and also anything that This is true for any vendor on an elopement day. You're probably going to hire less vendors during an elopement, but any vendor you do hire, that's something you don't have to do.

Brian: Right? So that means cleaning up a place or that booking is taken care of or setting up or food service or whatever. So you can do a half and half, right? So I think, like I said, I'm going to go back to this point, but many people I talk to about an elopement, they think of being in the middle of nowhere.

Brian: That can come with stress too. So, we want to get rid of that and just inform everybody that there's a way to do half and half. Right? So there's full wedding. Which is, you know, everything planned. Everybody going to one place. There's elopement, which is kind of on our micro wedding, which is kind of on the other end.

Brian: And then there is a middle ground though, 

Rachel: right? I would say so. Oh, yeah. You can make weddings anything you want them to be, really. And that's, I guess, that's what's nice about our venue, is we're so, um, customizable, I guess you could say, and very lenient, where it's like, I mean, you can, you could plan something to a T of it not being your typical wedding or your typical elopement.

Rachel: It could totally be in between those two, if you want it to be. Um, we're, we're fine with whatever. We'll, we'll roll with 

Brian: it, so. So, Rachel, um, because you have experience in this area, and this is pretty unique that a venue that offers elopement, how far in advance, if, so like Venue on the Rocks, or another venue in Colorado that's similar to yours, how far in advance should people be kind of planning their elopement and, and reaching out to people?

Brian: So, venue 

Rachel: wise, I mean, a lot of people are booking. I've found a lot of people come and start booking us in the fall. Okay. For the next summer, so. Okay. Right now, it's starting to 

Brian: slowly pick up. So that's 8 months, 6, 6, 

Rachel: 6 to 10 months. And we're new, so that might change. I, I, you know, maybe one day we'll be booked out a year.

Rachel: Okay. Who knows, but we're new. So as of right now, I'm like, take advantage of it while you can. We have open dates, but um, I would say, you know, get where you want it, booked. Because once that date, once your day is gone there, it's gone. You know, once we book that day, it's, it's booked. You can always find other caterers, or I guess for elopement, you're not doing catering, but florists, yeah.

Rachel: But, you know, you don't, I don't think you have to book those people as soon as you do a venue, and then a photographer as well. I would say if you want a specific photographer, they book out pretty early too, because people have been eyeing them before they even got engaged. You know, I feel like I know a lot of people that know what photographer they want before they're even engaged.

Rachel: So, I'd say venue and photographer need to be booked as soon as, You're ready to start planning. 

Brian: Okay, so that's not substantially different from booking a full day venue, right? So even if you are planning an elopement or a micro wedding, you probably still need to think a little bit in advance and and Yes, and like I said, you know, I've shot a bunch of micro weddings in Rocky Mountain National Park and there are Probably five or six locations that are very popular.

Brian: Amazing overlooks and whatever and obviously they can come down here afterwards and do food and all the other stuff and make it a lot less stressful on them. But, again, even if you're thinking elopement, still think ahead. I 

Rachel: would say so. I really would to get exactly what you want because, you know, there's some, some, like I said, photographers they book out.

Rachel: I think photographers book out so early. I really do. Yeah, especially if you're looking for a specific one. Yes, if you've been eyeing one that just kind of has your style, I think they book out. Pretty far in advance and then a venue as well because well in it like us allowing elopements We're booking out for big weddings, too.

Rachel: So like, you know and events just rehearsal dinner So we're we're constantly being booked. So you've got to think ahead for an elopement It's not a last it is a lot of people I think look at it as a last minute thing But it really kind of isn't it's just a smaller sweeter. 

Brian: Yeah You're still probably going to save some money and you're probably going to have less travel arrangements just because of people and 

Rachel: everything.

Rachel: It's just smaller. I mean, I really like, like the whole micro wedding. That's kind of a good term because it's just smaller than a full on shebang. Instead 

Brian: of a macro wedding. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. 

Rachel: So, I still would say plan out 

Brian: in advance. Yeah. So, I'm sorry people that are planning a last minute elopement. I think.

Brian: It depends on what you want. If it's just, if, if you just want you to, and nobody else, it's going to be different. Right. Um, and I think, uh, you can probably, uh, speak to this too, but Saturdays are still going to be busy. Right, and so you've, yes, so Fridays and Saturdays, yes, and every vendor we, we talked to on this podcast is gonna say the same thing, that Sat, Fridays and Saturdays from May to almost November now are gonna be, are gonna be busy.

Brian: And so, yeah, so if you have an allotment and you have that flexibility, um, you know, to do a Sunday or a Thursday or something, you obviously are gonna have more options, and it may even be cheaper depending on the vendor, who knows. But, yeah, I mean, I think that's just something we, you guys probably all know that, who's listening, but Saturdays, the Fridays and Saturdays are going to be still booked, even if you're doing an 

Rachel: allotment.

Rachel: Yep, I agree. I would agree. So just plan out ahead. I mean, if you know what you want, you're going to, you need to just, I don't know. Yeah. Lock it down. That's, that's the words I'm trying to think of. But yeah, lock it down. If you know exactly what you want, which a lot of, I mean, a lot of brides that I come across, they know what they want.

Rachel: They have an idea and some are able to execute it. And some just don't know how, like, where do I start? Cause it's a lot, you know, a lot goes into a wedding and even an elopement. There's little, little details that go into it that there's special to exactly. So you still want it to be perfect. And so there's little details that go into it that start adding up.

Rachel: So I would start. I'd plan ahead for 

Brian: sure. Yeah, so I think to recap all of this about an elopement or micro wedding and um, or maybe somewhere in between like we talked about, I think to recap is number one, just think ahead, right? Even if you're doing an elopement, it doesn't mean that you can book it for next week or even next month.

Brian: And if you are, especially if you're looking for a Friday and Saturday. And also, uh, our second point that we kind of talked about was there are wedding venues. That can do elopements. Right? And so there's people like the, like Rachel out there and venue on the rocks. There's the elope there, there are places in Colorado that you can find.

Brian: So don't stress out. Yeah, if you don't wanna do a full elopement, if you want some help, if you want a location to chill afterwards where you can just, you know, take, take a, take a deep breath and have your food served to you and hire a caterer if you wanna 


Rachel: that. Or if you don't want food, we don't care.

Rachel: I mean, whatever you want. Um, there's in between, it's unique. We're unique in that way where we're like, you know, whatever floats your boat, floats our 

Brian: boat. So, So yeah, so don't stress if you want to do if you're like halfway in between full elopement and you don't want to do a 5 a. m. Hike or whatever or you don't want to do a full wedding There are options in between so look for that flexibility look for people like Rachel who are passionate about it Again, you know, I think last time we talked in our other episode we talked about like the chemistry between you and the vendors and the venue or and the planner photographer or whatever look for people who are passionate about it because it's gonna make your day better and That's, I don't know what percentage of people in the wedding industry aren't passionate about it, but it's some percentage.

Brian: And if you're getting a gut feeling that it's not someone who wants to do your vision, There's other options. Yep, and then our last point is just be careful about VRBOs. Be careful about Airbnb's that you're just saying like, hey, we'll just kind of secretly do our own thing here because you're gonna end up paying for it without getting anything.

Brian: Um, and you know, if you destroy the place you're gonna pay for that too. So, you know that thousand dollar cleaning fee is gonna come out plus some more. So, um, but Rachel that's so awesome that we, to know that there are venues like yours because I think that will take some stress off of people's plates.

Brian: So, um, Rachel, what's the best way to contact? Venue on the rocks or just ask you questions if they have anything you 

Rachel: can email me at venue on the rocks co at yahoo. com That's the best way to get a hold of me. You can go to our website, which is coffee on the rocks Dot org. Sorry. I almost said calm Just because we are coffee on the rocks and venue on the rocks people get confused about that and then Instagram is great to go to our Instagram venue on the rocks under underscore co I post on it all the time to get photos.

Rachel: That's where we don't, we don't put as many on the website. Instagram is kind of more My thing, I would say so, but yeah, call me, email me, whatever, whatever you need to do. I'll, I'm more than happy to talk to 

Brian: you. That's awesome. So if you're looking for a flexible place in Estes Park or say you're in Northern Colorado, it's a great option if you're looking for something more unique.

Brian: So thank you so much, Rachel, for your advice. I think this is super unique and we hope to talk to you again soon. Thanks. Thanks for listening to this episode of the Colorado Wedding Podcast. We hope you found our tips insightful for planning your Colorado wedding. For all the free wedding planning tools, checklists, and guides, go to coloradoweddingguides.

Brian: com. Don't forget to rate us on Apple and Spotify, and be sure to follow us on Instagram at COWeddingPodcast. We appreciate you and hope you have the best wedding possible. See you next time.


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