Why to Host an Open Bar (at least through cocktail hour)

Join hosts Josh and Brian on the Colorado Wedding podcast as they delve into the advantages of hosting an open bar at weddings, with a special focus on the cocktail hour. In this episode, they are joined by Bailey Foster, the Event & Brand Manager at Sweetheart Winery, who shares her expertise on creating a memorable wedding experience. Discover how an open bar not only makes guests feel welcomed and engaged, but also allows for uninterrupted wedding photos and keeps guests entertained. Bailey provides valuable insights on smoothly transitioning guests into the reception, expressing gratitude to attendees, and mitigating risks associated with outside alcohol. They also explore the vibrant atmosphere an open bar fosters, especially on the dance floor. Make sure to follow Sweetheart Winery on social media (@sweetheartwinery) for wedding inspiration and visit Colorado Wedding Guides for essential planning resources. Don't miss out on the limited weekend dates available for the 2024 wedding season! Book now to secure an extraordinary celebration at Sweetheart Winery.


Host 1: That's a great thing, too, about hosting a bar is, you know, guests are in there, you know, getting beverages, snacking, hopefully on some appetizers. They're adding to now people who maybe they wouldn't have gotten to know they're engaging with one another, They're socializing and they're not like looking at their clock, wondering like, when's dinner? And welcome to the Colorado Wedding podcast, The ultimate place to plan your Colorado Wedding.

Host 2: From luxury weddings to intimate allotments will guide you through planning your wedding in the beautiful state of Colorado where your host, Josh and Brian. And we're here to give you insider tips and advice from all kinds of Colorado wedding experts. Join us and discover the best ways to reduce wedding stress and design your unique wedding day. Hello and welcome to the Colorado Wedding podcast.

Host 1: My name is Josh. I'm the owner of Ascend Media, and this is my friend Bailey. She works at Sweet Our Winery as the events and brand manager. And today we're talking about alcohol sales in the wedding event space and really the reasons to host an open bar, at least through cocktail hour. So Bailey has five really intriguing points as to the pros of hosting that open bar and these points really, really provide a convincing argument.

Bailey: Brides and grooms have just so many ways they're spending money. Yeah, but I think we'll see that really hosting that open bar really is going to be a great way to spend a little money. It really makes your guests feel so welcome and comfortable. And, you know, they came from along. They came from all over the country. They're valuable to you.

Host 1: And it just provides a mood. And certainly on the dance floor, that is just just really valuable. So we're going to jump in. So, Bailey, we have a five points here, and they're all great ideas. Can you jump in on your first one here of hosting beverages? What do you think about that?

Bailey: Yes, absolutely. And thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. So in my experience hosting your bar, which basically for anyone who's not familiar with some of the terminology there, so there's hosted bars, there's cash bars, hosted in bars, just means that you're covering your guests bar tab like you're covering their drinks. So you're treating that to that. I cash buyers when they pay for their own. So I really recommend hosting a bar for your guests, at least through cocktail hour, if not for the whole event, at least make it through that cocktail hour time. And my first reason for that is because that gives you as the couple that opportunity, at least that one hour time during cocktail hour to really be capturing all of those incredible wedding photos that you want and that you're going to be looking at for years to come.

Host 2: Yeah, that's super important. And that's photos they like. I mean, I still look at mine. Yeah, all the time. So yeah.

Host 1: Okay, so in our second reason that you have for hosting an open bar, at least through cocktail hour, is it gives your guests you really something to do and ushers them into like the next phase of the day. Can you elaborate on that a little bit more?

Bailey: Yeah. So like I said, with that first reason, it's giving you something to really, like entertain and engage your guests. They're not bugging you while you're taking photos. Yeah, but then closely tied to that is my second point of in my experience, I have seen that when couples have cash buyers for their wedding, guests tend to get very restless and impatient for the reception to start and is dinner and so they kind of our wandering into the reception space before it's really time.

Host 1: They're kind of just like Angel is anxious and restlessly wandering and just wondering what's next. Yeah, rather than really like socializing with each other. So that's a great thing too, about hosting a bar is, you know, guests are in there, you know, getting beverages, snacking, hopefully on some appetizers. They're getting to know people who maybe they wouldn't have gotten to know.

Bailey: They're engaging with one another, they're socializing and they're not like looking at their clock, wondering like, when's dinner? And it just makes things smoother for when dinner service does begin. They're not already grumpy because then they have at least had a drink. You know, they're relaxed, they're happy, they've had some snacks, so they're not like hovering over the buffet. If you have a buffet, they're not like looking around. If you have a plated dinner, like when as hours are really going to get to me. Yeah. And I mean, it's just it's the way people are, right? Like, we need we need our food and drinks. So it just makes guests generally happier, which is, again, like I said, closely tied to that first plate, but a little bit different because also what it will do is it will make your guests more attentive when you then are introduced as the couple.

Host 2: So if you have like a grand introduction of the two of you of your wedding party, again, they have their drinks, they're happy, they're focused on like why they're there. You know, you're emcee or deejay can make that grand announcement. A big trend right now is for couples to come in and immediately go in to their first dance after being introduced.

Bailey: So you really do have like a happy captive audience. Yeah, they all have their free beverages, you know, And they're not just like ready for the night and totally to be at dinner time. They're too busy to give up and Yeah, exactly.

Host 1: And that really brings us into your third point here of those guests have come from all across the country in some cases.

Bailey: Yes, absolutely. I mean, hopefully the people at your wedding are important to you, otherwise they wouldn't be on your list. And I understand that They're just, you know, like your parents invite so and so and you don't really know them. But, I mean, at the end of the day, these guests have chosen to be there to celebrate your milestone of marriage.

Host 2: Yeah. And I just feel like hosting beverage is at a minimum through cocktail hour again, like, great, if you can go beyond that. But for that as a minimum, it just really makes your guests feel valued and that you're appreciative that they've made that time and symphony. Yeah, And they have spent money and they've come and made the effort to come out and celebrate with you and just from your side as the couple it communicates like this is an amazing thing.

Bailey: That's where it's celebrating. Like we're going to celebrate. Yes, it is a party because like, we're getting married and that's amazing and we're spending the rest of our lives together. You know? So it's communicating that importance that you're placing on the day that it's not just like, okay, yeah, like get together. It's a huge milestone and you're willing to invest in it.

Host 1: Totally. Yeah, that's a great point. Our next point here, you've talked about how, you know, people at a party, they drink alcohol anyway. So if you don't if you are having an open bar, there's a greater chance that some people will just bring in their own.

Bailey: Yes. And it's against regulations, too. Can you expound a little bit more on that and how you think about that as an event coordinator?

Host 2: Yeah. And I mean, obviously, there's a little bit of that bias on my side, right, as working as the venue. Yeah. So as the venue that is detrimental to us as guests are bringing in and sinking in outside alcohol that flies in the face of our liquor licensing. Like we can get in huge trouble or like even have our license suspended.

Bailey: So venues think about that and they that's why they have, you know, if you look through wedding contracts, every venue is going to have something in their contract about outside food, usually outside beverages, because it's a big thing. But also it's important for the couples and they need to know that. So most venues, including Sweetheart Winery, have policies and rules in place about not allowing in outside alcohol.

Host 1: There are some exceptions to that rule. There are some venues that are, you know, BYOB. Yeah, but a lot of any is in this area. They provide that and yet, you know, it's a service and there's different ways that venues go about that. So by and by not having an open bar I have seen it definitely incentivizes and encourage those guests to just sneak in their own totally beverages and that's not only detrimental to the venue, but it's also putting you as the couple at risk for losing your deposit.

Bailey: Most venues take damage deposit. Yeah, that's a lot of times a part of it. So you're risking losing that money so you know you're not spending the money on the bar, but then you could be spending more money to lose your own deposit. Yeah, And that's how you guys really make a living is by selling alcohol. I mean, we're a winery, so.

Host 2: So, yeah, Like, I mean, are most of our wedding couples, you know, they appreciate the beauty of the Colorado outdoors and fine wine. That's really like who we serve and who we are. Totally. That's where those two worlds meet together right here in that place. So, I mean, that's a big part of it for us. And like I said, other venues in this area, I know even if they're not a wine manufacturer or winery, they still do rely on some of that in terms of like bar service for other types of beverages.

Host 1: So awesome. Well, that's great thoughts to tie it all up. Your point number five on here makes a ton of sense and that's just a little alcohol in your system and getting it in a little bit early. And it just makes for probably a more fun and lively party, especially the dance floor.

Bailey: Yes, definitely. I mean, I don't know, I'm a little bit of an introvert and so I definitely need a little bit of like liquid courage to get out there on the dance floor.

Host 2: And I think I mean, even the most extroverted among us. Yes, that's just the it's just a universal truth. You people definitely loosen up more once they've had a drink. You know, they again, like I mentioned earlier, they start socializing with each other. They start getting to know each other. You just build new relationships and new friendships, which then translates into a more fun reception because I have witness to this that dance floors are packed, they're fun, they're energetic.

Bailey: Yeah. And there's an open bar. And I mean, again, it can vary, but again, like in my experience, cash bars, they sizzle a little bit yester. That is people get tired, they're ready to go home.

Host 1: Yeah, that's great insight. I think a lot of brides and grooms don't totally consider that. They just think, oh, hosting an open bar scene cost me a couple extra thousand.

Bailey: They don't really realize the impacts on the social mood in the room. I didn't even consider that at my wedding, but that's really insightful. I think that's really helpful to at least know what making all the money decisions and there's I mean, things get expensive, there's thousands of dollars that way and that's there. And and that's where you have to just be smart about what you're choosing to invest in and see the value behind like what it's going to do for your overall experience.

Host 2: Totally, because there are certainly and we can get into this maybe in another, but there are definite ways to save. But I would say don't really impact your experience as much.

Host 1: Yes. And then there are ways where you can really ensure that people are going to have fun, that you're going to have fun.

Bailey: Yeah. And it doesn't always like you know, it's not always what we've heard in the wedding industry over and over again. It's like things that you maybe don't always expect that make a big difference.

Host 2: Yeah, totally. I think this, this one is definitely something to invest in. Yeah. Who doesn't like free wine? I will step back. You got me. So to any party with an open bar.

Host 1: Yeah, totally. Well, thanks so much for all these thoughts. Some really insightful information to all our Colorado couples getting married.

Bailey: Thank you so much.

Host 2: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, initiate it. Well, thank you guys for tuning in today. Again, this is the Colorado wedding podcast, the awesome place to plan your Colorado wedding. We'll see you next time. Thanks for listening to this episode of the Colorado Wedding podcast. We hope you find our tips insightful for planning your Colorado wedding. For all the free wedding planning tools, checklists and guides, go to Colorado wedding guides, dotcom. Don't forget to rate us on Apple and Spotify and be sure to follow us on Instagram at SEO Wedding Podcast.

Host 1: We appreciate you and hope you have the best wedding possible. See you next time you.


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